Browsing BraVo by Author "Reite, Gunhild Nordvik"
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Korleis opplever ungdom og unge vaksne som hadde spesialundervisning i ungdomsskulen, at relasjonen til læraren var? Ei kvalitativ, retrospektiv intervjuundersøking
Reite, Gunhild Nordvik (Master thesis, 2014)Summary The topic of this master thesis is the relationship between teacher and students with special education. Extensive research shows that this relationship is crucial to the students’ learning and development, ... -
Musikklæreres klasseledelsesarbeid knyttet til lærer-elev-relasjoner og arbeidsro. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om 4 læreres erfaringer
Rødland, Trond (Master thesis, 2018)The topic of this study is the learning environment, more specifically classroom management in the music subject in primary school (5th-7th grade) with emphasis on teacher-student relationships and classroom order. Research ...