Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 97-116 of 186
Kunsten å gå: Pilegrimsvandring og subjektiv livskvalitet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Målet med studien: å undersøke hvordan en pilegrimstur påvirker deltakernes subjektive livskvalitet og hvilke faktorer som muligens kan identifiseres som støttende for den enkelte deltakers subjektive livskvalitet. Design: ... -
Kunstig intelligens og konsekvenser for veiledning på tekstarbeid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Høsten -22 ble OpenAI sin skriverobotChatGPT offentlig tilgjengelig. I tiden etterpå er flere skriveroboter basert på kunstig intelligens (KI) etablert. Vi søker i denne studien å kaste lys over hvordan tilgangen på disse ... -
Kva er matematisk modellering?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Kva er matematisk modellering? Kvifor matematisk modellering? Korleis ser ei modelleringsoppgåve ut? Er ein modell det same som ein representasjon? Modellering har vore med i norske læreplanar i fleire tiår. Ikkje alle ... -
Kvalitet og arbeidslivsrelevans i velferdsutdanningane – to sider av det same
(Chapter, 2023)Stortingsmelding 16 (2020–2021), Utdanning for omstilling, har gitt omgrepet «arbeidslivsrelevans» auka merksemd. I dette essayet vert omgrepet og stortingsmeldinga sett i lys av velferdsutdanningane, og då særleg sosialt ... -
Language policy on the ground in Norwegian kindergartens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The study explores literacy conditions for preschool children acquiring Nynorsk, a lesser used Norwegian written language. Norway has no official language policy for the use of Nynorsk and Bokmål, the majority written ... -
Large-scale transcriptome changes in the process of long-term visual memory formation in the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Many genes have been implicated in mechanisms of long-term memory formation, but there is still much to be learnt about how the genome dynamically responds, transcriptionally, during memory formation. In this study, we ... -
«Learning by diving» – innovasjonspedagogikk i praksis. Mediestudentar på gyngande museumsgrunn
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Kvar skjer når mediestudentar blir utfordra til å formidle kulturarv på nyskapande måtar? Artikkelen presenterer ein empirisk eksempelstudie blant studentar som har vore med på prosjekt der innovasjonspedagogikk er brukt ... -
Learning, gustatory responsiveness and tyramine differences across nurse and forager honeybees
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Honeybees are well known for their complex division of labor. Each bee sequentially performs a series of social tasks during its life. The changes in social task performance are linked to gross differences in behavior and ... -
Legitimising Inter-Sectoral Public Health Policies: A Challenge for Professional Identities?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction: The 2012 Norwegian Public Health Act stipulates that all Norwegian municipalities need to integrate public health concerns in their decision-making processes at all policy levels. Based on a Health in All ... -
Lesing av artiklar i Store norske leksikon: Ein komparativ studie av lesarane sin bruk av og haldningar til artiklar som er publiserte på høvesvis bokmål og nynorsk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)I denne studien har vi freista å kartlegge i kva grad skriftspråket i publiserte tekstar kan påverke lesinga av tekstane, og å undersøke i kva grad lesarar har ulike implisitte og eksplisitte haldningar til tekstar på ... -
Lifestyle and work-related factors associated with work ability and work participation for people with obesity: A prospective observational study after vocational rehabilitation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We aimed to investigate which changes in the explanatory factors that were associated with positive change in the work ability score (WAS) and degree of work participation (DWP) for participants in a new 1-year vocational ... -
Lifestyle modification for weight loss: Effects on cardiorespiratory capacity in patients with class II and class III obesity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: The prevalence of obesity has increased worldwide. Obesity affectsthe lungs and airways, limits peak oxygen uptake, and hampers physical perfor-mance; however, objective data are scarce. Does lifestyle modification ... -
Literature review – Parent involvement and mathematic outcome
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The impact of parent involvement with their children's educational outcomes can have a profound effect on learning, achievement, motivation, engagement, values, and goals. This literature review is the first to focus on ... -
Logikker i strid – kulturrådets virkemidler på litteraturfeltet
(Book, 2020)Kulturrådet har etablert flere tilskuddsordninger for litteratur. I denne boka vil vi presentere, evaluere, drøfte og vurdere åtte av dem. Boka er basert på et oppdrag fra Kulturrådet. Dette oppdraget har lagt rammene for ... -
Lower secondary students’ encounters with mathematical literacy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Worldwide, there has been an increased emphasis on enabling students to recognise the real-world significance of mathematics. Mathematical literacy is a notion used to define the competencies required to meet the demands ... -
Making sense of grammatical variation in Norwegian
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This study examines two examples of grammatical variation in Norwegian inflection, strong versus weak verb conjugation and affixal versus periphrastic adjective comparison. The main claim is that the choice of variants is ... -
Mapping sustainability of professional development in four Norwegian lower-secondary schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The aim of this study was to investigate how principals (n = 4) and teachers (n = 20) from four lower-secondary schools perceived and evaluated sustainable professional development processes in their schools. To understand ... -
Mapping Teaching Through Interactions and Pupils' Learning in Mathematics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The aim of the study is to map patterns of teaching quality through interactions in Mathematics lessons in lower secondary school classrooms. The sample is 10 ninth-grade classrooms in Norway (pupils’ age, 14-15 years). ... -
Michael and other archangels behind an eight-pointed cross-symbol from Medieval Nubia: A view from Sai Island in northern Sudan
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The Christian population in Medieval Nubia created numerous manifestations of their faith in various forms – from monumental cathedrals to minuscule inscriptions. Among the latter aremonograms, cryptograms, and cross-shaped ... -
A missed opportunity to implement a 3D digital twin in strategic planning in the Ålesund region, Norway: What to blame?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)While there have been academic discussions regarding the strategic and relational shift in spatial planning, and the potential of digital geospatial planning support systems (PSS) in this regard, the integration between ...