The Sami yoik as creative wellbeing
Original version
Løvoll, H. S. & Torrissen, W. (eds.). Exploring Creative Wellbeing Frameworks in Context. Nature, Culture, and Sustainable Futures. Routledge.
In this chapter, the Sami yoik is explored and discussed as creative wellbeing, focusing on how yoiking might stimulate the creation of something new that promotes transcending growth that goes beyond the individual. Sami people are Indigenous people living in Sami land, and yoik is their ancient traditional vocal art. Central features in yoik are its’ intimate connection to its’ subject and its’ mimetic character, “miming the world into being” through sonic alignment. A limited body of research indicates that yoik is perceived by Sami people as essential for health, wellbeing, and happiness. Based on re-readings of our previously published studies on possible connections between yoik and health, we suggest that yoiking may contribute to eudaimonic wellbeing in three interrelated ways, all of which are important for transcending growth: development of self-knowledge, connecting to others, and connecting people to something beyond themselves. We have identified truthful and authentic attunement as a common universal element in all three aspects of transcending growth. We conclude that conceptualising yoik as creative wellbeing may help us to understand the importance of musical co-creation for the wellbeing of humans and non-humans, and for a more sustainable future.