Recent Submissions
«Kun at det skjer med Orden». Rettssaken mot Hans Nielsen Hauge og institusjonaliseringen av Haugebevegelsen
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Temaet for denne artikkelbaserte avhandlingen innen kristendomshistorie er utviklingen av Haugebevegelsen i perioden 1814–1842, med et hovedfokus på Norge og en case-studie av bevegelsen i Sverige. Mye av forskningen på ... -
Exploring Contextual Stressors and Coping Strategies in Physical Education. A Case Study Approach
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2023:4, Doctoral thesis, 2023)The school is an important arena for working with children and young people’s life skills and health (Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, 2017). Nevertheless, stress at school is considered one of the reasons ... -
Self-Efficacy and Work-Related Factors Associated with Return to Work in a Vocational Rehabilitation Programme with a Lifestyle Focus – A Prospective Observational Study A Fully Integrated Mixed Methods Research Design. A Fully Integrated Mixed Methods Research Design
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2022:3, Doctoral thesis, 2022)This thesis aims to examine self-efficacy and work-related factors associated with return to work in a vocational (VR) programme with a lifestyle focus for people on, or at risk of, sick leave due to obesity or obesity-related ... -
‘New femininities’, alcohol consumption and life beyond young womanhood. Negotiating gender, class and ageappropriate identities through alcohol consumption
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2022:1, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Drawing on theoretical insight from the study of ‘new femininities’, I explore how young women in Norway perform and negotiate gendered identities through their alcohol consumption. I focus in particular on women in their ... -
The therapeutic mobilities of Pilgrimage Walking: A study of the health impacts of walking the Norwegian St. Olav Way
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2022:5, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Background: There is an increasing trend to seek long-distance pilgrimage walking (PW) for self-discovery/development/therapy purposes. PW along the less known Norwegian St. Olav Way might offer a therapeutic dimension ... -
Patients’ knowledge and their trust in healthcare personnel in elective surgery. A mixed methods study including an extended theoretical discussion
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2021:1, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Introduction: This thesis aims to provide a better understanding of how patient knowledge relates to trust in healthcare personnel in a surgical setting. In this context, there is a paucity of scholarly contributions on ... -
Relasjonsbygging i kommunalt integreringsarbeid. Ein studie av implementering av integreringspolitikk og samarbeid på tvers av sektorar og styringsnivå
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2023:5, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Studien er ein kvalitativ kasusstudie av to norske kommunar med formål å studere ulike former for samarbeid som verktøy i politikkimplementering i det kommunale integreringsarbeidet. Formene for samarbeid som vi har studert ... -
The role of pre-and postoperative patient education a decade after bariatric surgery
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2024:1, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: I 2004 anbefalte norske helsemyndigheter at alle helseforetak skulle opprette et tilbud om fedmekirurgi for pasienter med kroppsmasseindex (KMI) klasse 3 (KMI>40) eller klasse 2 (KMI>35) med tilleggskomplikasjoner, ... -
Teaching and learning for mathematical literacy
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This dissertation reports from research that investigates the nature of teaching and learning for mathematical literacy in three lower secondary schools in Norway. Mathematical literacy is a notion used to denote the ...