Browsing BraVo by Title
Now showing items 1081-1100 of 1223
Tango for to. Evaluering av Tilskottsordninga til samlivstiltak
(Arbeidsrapport;155, Report, 2004)Om lag 10 500 ekteskap vart oppløyste ved skilsmisse og 13 000 ektepar vart separerte i 2002. Det er 150 fleire skilsmisser og 250 fleire separasjonar enn i 2001. Skilsmisseraten, som vert rekna som skilde per 1000 gifte ... -
Tatere og skolen. En studie av forholdet mellom tatere og skolen. Hva er taternes og skolens erfaringer med skolesituasjonen for elever med taterbakgrunn?
(Master thesis, 2013)Summary The national minority “Travellers and school”, is the topic of my thesis. There has been research on the people since pioneer and social scientist Eilert Sundt first began to take an interest in them in the ... -
Teacher preparation for the digital age: Is it still an instrumental endeavor?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Preparing student teachers for a profession that continuously changes in relation to digitalisation is a global challenge. By analysing survey data about how teacher educators (N = 389) report that they prepare their ... -
Teaching and learning for mathematical literacy
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This dissertation reports from research that investigates the nature of teaching and learning for mathematical literacy in three lower secondary schools in Norway. Mathematical literacy is a notion used to denote the ... -
Teamutvikling på grasrotnivå. Eit studie av situasjonsbasert leiing i moderne teamarbeid
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Leiingsfaget har forandra seg stort gjennom tidene. Produksjonen i ei bedrift vart tidlegare sett på som maskinelt eller automatisk, noko ein mellom anna kjenner att i taylorismen, eller Scientific Manangement, som la ... -
Teater som danning i helseprofesjonene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Healthcare workers who watch a theatre play about dementia, gain experiential knowledge about living with dementia. In this essay we discuss the nature of this knowledge in light of the concept of bildung. This discussion ... -
Teikn-til-tale i kommunikasjon med dei yngste barna. Ein kvalitativ studie om barnehagelærarar sine erfaringar frå kvardagen
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Tema for denne undersøkinga er teikn-til-tale. Teikn-til-tale blir ofte presentert som eit spesialpedagogisk verktøy retta mot enkeltbarn, medan denne studien rettar fokuset på heile barnegruppa. Undersøkinga er avgrensa ... -
Tekst, tid og tolking. R94/L97 og L06 i hermeneutisk perspektiv
(Notat;14/2005, Working paper, 2005) -
Tekster og tolkninger. Arbeidshefte i bibeltolking
(Notat;1/2005, Working paper, 2005) -
Tema-, prosjekt- og utviklingsarbeid: Ei omgrepsavklaring for tilsette ved barnehagelærarutdanninga, Høgskulen i Volda.
(Skriftserien;Notat nr. 2/2020, Working paper, 2020) -
Ten Years After - Drug Use and Recovery Among Male Heroin Users in Zanzibar
(Rapport nr. 107, Report, 2021)This report is based on research done by Volda University College (VUC), in cooperation with Zanzibar Recovery Community (ZRC), and dialogue with leaders of The Drug Control Commission in Zanzibar. Data collection was done ... -
Terror, kameramobil og nyheter
(Notat;16/2005, Working paper, 2005) -
The best from two Schools … An Assessment of the Partnership between an International/North-American and a Norwegian School in Kenya
(Arbeidsrapport;167, Report, 2004)For the school years 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 there was established a partnership program between The Norwegian Community School and the international school Rosslyn Academy in Nairobi Kenya. The aim of the project was to ... -
The processes, effects and therapeutics of pilgrimage walking the St. Olav Way
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Pilgrimage walking is increasingly sought as self-therapy for different mental, physical and spiritual ailments, sudden life changes, crossroads or challenges. However, pilgrimage walking as therapy is largely an unexplored ... -
The relative age effect shifts students’ choice of educational track even within a school system promoting equal opportunities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In most education systems, the age of a given cohort of students spans up to 12 months, which creates a within-class age difference, or relative age effect, that tends to disadvantage younger students. Because birth month ... -
The significance of interprofessional and interagency collaboration in reintegration after prison : a qualitative study exploring Norwegian frontline workers’ views
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The Norwegian Correctional Service is well known for its focus on rehabilitation and the humane treatment of offenders. However, welfare issues and comorbidity are overrepresented among offenders, and recidivism ratesremain ... -
The therapeutic mobilities of Pilgrimage Walking: A study of the health impacts of walking the Norwegian St. Olav Way
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2022:5, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Background: There is an increasing trend to seek long-distance pilgrimage walking (PW) for self-discovery/development/therapy purposes. PW along the less known Norwegian St. Olav Way might offer a therapeutic dimension ... -
Tidleg oppstart med nye læreplanar. Kartlegging av erfaringar med førebuing og iverksetjing
(Arbeidsrapport;196, Report, 2006)Læreplanreforma Kunnskapsløftet skal innførast frå og med skuleåret 2006-2007. Kommunar og grunnskular hadde, etter søknad, høve til å ta i bruk heile eller delar av reforma frå og med skuleåret 2005-2006. På oppdrag for ... -
Tidlig innsats. Spesialpedagogisk hjelp til førskolebarn med cochleaimplantat (CI)
(Master thesis, 2013)Summary The extent of support regarding special education in this survey, both in regards to special education and assistants/educators, varies extremely. How much special education a child with CI receives, might look ...