Browsing BraVo by Author "Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Developing teachers’ responsive pedagogy in mathematics, does it lead to short-term effects on student learning?
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Kvinge, Lars Malvin Røsseland; Smith, Kari; Engelsen, Knut Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this study, we examine the short-term effects of an intervention aimed at developing teachers’ responsive pedagogy in mathematics. The study analyses how an emphasis on responsive pedagogy in 9th grade classrooms over ... -
Educating for the future: A conceptual framework of responsive pedagogy
Smith, Kari; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Sandal, Ann Karin; Engelsen, Knut Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Schools of today are educating for an unknown future, and knowledge of today will become partly irrelevant in 20–30 years. Teaching and assessment focusing on the learning of factual knowledge will not serve the needs of ... -
En kvalitativ studie om sammenhengen mellom ordinær opplæring og spesialundervisning for elever med spesialpedagogisk ressurs
Bjørheim, June Halsne (Master thesis, 2020)Formålet med denne studien er å øke kunnskapen om hva som kjennetegner skolen sitt arbeid med å skape sammenheng mellom den ordinære opplæringen og spesialundervisning for elever som får spesialpedagogisk ressurs på 2.- ... -
Feedback practice in lower secondary school: Exploring development of perceptions of feedback practice among students and teachers
Sandal, Ann Karin; Helleve, Ingrid; Smith, Kari; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article reports on a qualitative study investigating how perceptions of feedback and feedback practice developed over the course of a seven-month development project with students and teachers in ten lower secondary ... -
Instructional feedback to support self-regulated writing in primary school
Fiskerstrand, Pernille; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Feedback that enhances self-regulated learning when writing seems to rarely be provided in classrooms to beginner writers, although acting autonomously as a writer is crucial for the pupils’ further literacy development. ... -
Leseopplæringstekstar og rom for differensiering. Ein studie av leseopplæringstekstar i tre digitale lærebøker for 1.steg
Vedeld, Sunniva Velle (Master thesis, 2021)Samandrag Formålet med denne studien har vore å undersøkje korleis tre digitale lærebøker gjev rom for differensiering gjennom korleis leseopplæringstekstane i begynnaropplæringa er oppbygd. Problemstillinga er: «Korleis ... -
Mapping interaction quality for nursing and medical students in primary care placement in municipal emergency care units: a systematic observational study
Giske, Solveig; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Kvangarsnes, Marit; Landstad, Bodil Johanne; Hole, Torstein Laurits; Dahl, Berit Misund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Primary care placement for nursing and medical students is vital for developing the competence to accommodate the increasing number of patients with multimorbid and complex conditions. Prior studies have ... -
Mapping sustainability of professional development in four Norwegian lower-secondary schools
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Helleve, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The aim of this study was to investigate how principals (n = 4) and teachers (n = 20) from four lower-secondary schools perceived and evaluated sustainable professional development processes in their schools. To understand ... -
Mapping Teaching Through Interactions and Pupils' Learning in Mathematics
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The aim of the study is to map patterns of teaching quality through interactions in Mathematics lessons in lower secondary school classrooms. The sample is 10 ninth-grade classrooms in Norway (pupils’ age, 14-15 years). ... -
Menneske og samfunn. Skapar skulen taparar ved at kunnskap vert definert etter samfunnet sine idear?
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg (Notat nr. 5/2006, Working paper, 2006) -
Nettbrett i literacypraksisar i 1. klasserom med høg kvalitet i lærar–elev-interaksjonar
Øvereng, Liv Kristin Bjørlykke; Skaftun, Atle; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Denne studien undersøker kor vidt og korleis nettbrett som ressurs kan bidra til kvalitet i literacy-praksisar i begynnaropplæringa i eit utval norske førsteklasserom. Studien er teoretisk forankra i ei sosiokulturell ... -
Perceived teacher support in secondary education from 1980 to 2019: An integrative review
Botellero, Violeta; Ekornes, Stine Margrethe; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Torrissen, Wenche; Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)How teacher support is perceived in secondary school was a main purpose for examination. As teacher support is a multidimensional construct, we conducted an integrative review to identify and analyze longitudinal and ... -
Study protocol: DigiHand – the emergence of handwriting skills in digital classooms
Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Rogne, Wenke Mork; Rønneberg, Vibeke; Uppstad, Per Henning (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This protocol article presents the project “DigiHand: The emergence of handwriting skills in digital classrooms.”1 The project is a longitudinal natural experiment investigating how the use of different writing tools ...