Blar i Helse- og sosialfag på emneord "VDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Clinical medical disciplines: 750::Gynecology and obstetrics: 756"
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Jordmorblikk på ungt moderskap. Om jordmors rollefortolkning i møte med gravide tenåringer
(Master thesis, 2012)Abstract Over the last decades it has become less common to become a teenage mother both in Norway and the other scandinavian countries. Even though there is extensive research concerning teenage pregnancy in european ... -
Ute for vær og vind på havet. Foreldres opplevelser når det nyfødte barnet må legges inn på sykehus
(Master thesis, 2012)Summary A newborn infant's illness and hospitalization has consequences for the parents. By looking at the parent's experiences through a lifecourse perspective, the complete situation appears. Past experiences, backgrounds, ...