Å vokse opp med to kulturer. En kvalitativ undersøkelse om hvordan muslimske jenter på Vestlandet i Norge erfarer det å leve med to ulike kulturer
The purpose of this research has been to determine how Muslim girls in Western Norway experience living in two different cultures. The study is based on in-depth interviews with ten girls between the ages of fifteen to twenty one. All the girls have Muslim backgrounds, with parents from countries in Middle East, North Africa and East Africa. Some of the girls were born in Norway, while others have moved to Norway at a later stage in life. My intention with the study has been to bring to light how girls with a bi-cultural background experience Western Norway today. Are there prejudices among the indigenous population? Do the girls experience generalisations and stigmas in everyday life? Are there conflicting expectations between their own ethnic groups and the Norwegian majority of society? Does being bi-cultural offer an enrichment in being able to choose between the «best of two worlds» and thereby develop an identity consisting of a cultural, linguistic and religious competence? This is what I wish to survey regarding Muslim girls who live in Western Norway today. My results show that there is no clear answer to these questions. Perhaps it is indeed possible to be Norwegian, East African and «a foreigner» all at the same time?