Blar i Kulturmøte på utgivelsesdato
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"Der blev dygtig politiseret -" : politisk kulturdannelse i Øvre Telemark rundt 1814
(Master thesis, 2010)Summary This essay is about the formative processes that paved the way for the political participation among farmers from the Norwegian county Telemark before and after 1814, when Norway first earned its independence from ... -
Mellom Nar og New York. Ein studie av innverknaden migrasjonen har på indiansk identitet og bruk av kichwa hjå ungdom i Cañar, Ecuador.
(Master thesis, 2011)Summary This work explores the effects of out-migration on ethnic identity in general, and more specifically on the minority language Kichwa amongst indigenous youth in the Cañar province of the Ecuadorian Andes. Cañar, ... -
Misjon, kjønn og modernisering. Danske kvinnelige misjonærers utdanningsprosjekt i Syria, 1900-1960
(Master thesis, 2012)During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Roman Catholic and Protestant missions spent an enormous amount of time, energy and money into activities directed towards women. In this Master Thesis, I have studied ... -
Tatere og skolen. En studie av forholdet mellom tatere og skolen. Hva er taternes og skolens erfaringer med skolesituasjonen for elever med taterbakgrunn?
(Master thesis, 2013)Summary The national minority “Travellers and school”, is the topic of my thesis. There has been research on the people since pioneer and social scientist Eilert Sundt first began to take an interest in them in the ... -
Innvandrarkyrkje og integrering
(Master thesis, 2013)Summary This paper investigates how members of a Burmese Baptist church in Sandnes, Norway, integrate into Norwegian religious life and society. To a smaller extent it investigates how the same individuals integrate into ... -
Ivaretagelse av minoritetsbarns rettigheter i fosterhjem
(Master thesis, 2013)Abstract Based on article 20 in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, I have explored how foster parents maintain the cultural background of minority foster children. According to the article, a child, who is ... -
«Så norsk som en innflytter kan bli». Ungarn 1956. Politiske helter og kulturmøte i et norsk lokalmiljø
(Master thesis, 2013)On October 23, 1956 demonstrations arose in Hungary's capital, Budapest. The demonstrations were largely started by working youth and students, but soon up to 200 000 people attended in which degenerated into pure war. ... -
Sykepleieres erfaringer med religion og livssyn i psykiatrisk avdeling
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of the experiences nurses have with religion and beliefs in psychiatric treatment. The study will focus on their interactions with patients from another religious or ... -
Kulturmøte i museal tekstilsamling. Et innblikk i kvinneliv og -virke på Sunnmøre ca. 1800 til tidlig 1900‐tall
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary In my thesis, I write about cultural meeting in the Sunnmøre Museum textile collection, and women’s life and work in the Sunnmøre region ca. 1800 to early 20th-century. I have searched for traces of cultural ... -
Hvordan endret forholdet seg mellom arbeidere og bønder innen det politiske området ved etableringen av storindustrien i Østre Moland perioden 1912-1919
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary This master thesis in culture encounter is about how the relationship between workers and peasants was changed within the political domain during the large-scale industry establishment in the period 1912-1919. The ... -
Frå helgingsrørsle til marknadsrørsle? Endringar i den norske pinserørsla sidan 1977
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary Holiness movement to market movement? – changes in the Norwegian Pentecostal movement since 1977. The Norwegian Pentecostal movement has changed considerably since 1977. In this period, the changes in the movement ... -
Traumatiserte minoritetselever i norsk skole
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary The aim of this study is to examine how traumatized minority students are received in Norwegian schools. How can we identify these students? What is being done to help them? The study has used the triangulation ... -
Kultur og identitet i Iparralde. En studie av kulturell overføring i et utvalg av fransk-baskiske familier
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary This master theses is a study on the transmission and developing of Basque culture and language within Basque families in the French Basque Country. France has since the revolution in 1789 been perceived as a ... -
Trå oss ikke for nær! Møter mellom «high class» og allmuen i Romsdalen 1860–1926.
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary The following essay will consider the cultural encounter between representatives of the upper class from foreign countries, mainly British citizens, and the local lower class people in the valley of Romsdalen on ... -
Frå sosialistiske broderkyss til konservativ fordøming. Norsk presse og Raude Khmer-styret i Kambodsja 1975–1979
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary From Socialist fraternal kisses to Conservative condemnation: The Norwegian press and the Khmer Rouge rule in Cambodia 1975-1979. The Khmer Rouge came to power in Cambodia in 1975. During their four years in ... -
Kiellands kirke – innspill i det religiøse felt
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary The subject of this essay is the cultural encounter between a radical literary culture and a conservative religious culture. Timeline for the essay is primarily the breakthrough of modernism in Norway and Scandinavia ... -
Ein studie av Misjonsalliansens HIV/AIDS-prosjekt på El Alto, Bolivia
(Master thesis, 2015)Denne oppgåva handlar fyrst og fremst om møte mellom menneskje som oppstår og vert opplevd av tilsette og frivillige gjennom den norske Misjonsalliansens HIV/Aids-prosjekt på El Alto, Bolivia. HIV/Aids-prosjektet er eit ... -
Christian meditation. A Path to oneself and Others. Qualitative study of Christian meditation and cultural encounters in lives of adults in Latvia
(Master thesis, 2015)Summary This master thesis examines individual experiences regarding “Christian Meditation” of John Main and cultural encounters. Through qualitative interviews with Christian meditators the thesis aims to understand the ... -
Fem minoritetsspråklige jenters erfaringer med den norske skolen
(Master thesis, 2015)Summary This study is about minority students experiences with the Norwegian school. Five girls in middle school age tells us how it is going to school in Norway, about meetings with people from new cultures, and teaching ... -
Integrering av vestafrikanske spillere i norsk toppfotball
(Master thesis, 2015)Denne oppgaven er en undersøkelse av hvordan norske toppklubber jobber med integrering av vestafrikanske fotballspillere. Dette er et felt det er forsket lite på, og målet har derfor vært å avdekke hvordan klubbene jobber ...