Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 17-36 of 194
CANN 2021: En studie om cannabiserfaringer, kunnskap og holdninger blant elever på videregående skoler.
(Research report, 2022)Cann2021-undersøkelsen er en representativ, landsomfattende undersøkelse gjennomført med 3 490 elever fra 34 videregående skoler i Norge. Studien omfattet både en nettbasert spørreundersøkelse for alle elevene og kvalitative ... -
Capitals as bad equilibria
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Throughout the recent pandemic, governments used digital video technologies to facilitate social distancing during political meetings. In addition to enabling social distancing, a theoretical advantage of virtual political ... -
Changes to body mass index, work self-efficacy, health-related quality of life, and work participation in people with obesity after vocational rehabilitation : a prospective observational study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background People on or at risk of sick leave from work due to obesity or obesity-related problems participated in a new vocational rehabilitation (VR). The study aimed to examine the outcome changes in the participants’ ... -
Characteristics of Patients Reporting Presumed Problematic Drinking Behavior After Gastric Bypass: Exploring Long-Term Data From the BAROBS Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective: To explore patients’ long-term experiences with drinking alcohol after Roux-n-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) for conceptualizing what may indicate problematic drinking behavior after bariatric surgery. Study Design: ... -
Cocaine Directly Impairs Memory Extinction and Alters Brain DNA Methylation Dynamics in Honey Bees
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Drug addiction is a chronic relapsing behavioral disorder. The high relapse rate has often been attributed to the perseverance of drug-associated memories due to high incentive salience of stimuli learnt under the influence ... -
Cold comfort: Lessons for the 21st-century newspaper industry from the 20th-century ice industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)First cut from frozen lakes and later manufactured on an industrial scale, ice was, in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, big business. The arrival of domestic refrigeration spelled the end of this industry. The ... -
Comment on “Food wanting is mediated by transient activation of dopaminergic signaling in the honey bee brain”
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Comparing Early Childhood Teacher Education in the Subjects of Language Learning and Early Literacy in Denmark and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Few studies highlight the content of early childhood teacher education (ECTE) and examine the quality of knowledge acquired by future early childhood teachers. The current study concerns two questions. The first explores ... -
Contribution of English Textbooks to an EFL Curriculum and Teachers’ Professional Identity: The Case of Four EFL Teachers and a Private Language School in Iran
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Driven by Beijaard, Verloop and Vermunt’s (2000) theory of Professional Identity (PI), this study aims to investigate teachers’ perception of their PI in relation to the English textbooks they use in EFL classes. In-depth ... -
Critical Moments of Coordination in Newswork
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article focuses on journalistic practices and coordination, more specifically how journalists coordinate when producing Online Live Broadcasts (OLB). An analytical framework that lends from the Knowledge-Based View ... -
Cuban journalism students: between ideals and state ideology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Cuban journalism students find that journalistic ideals learnt in university are incompatible with the media reality they encounter during periods of practical training in state media. Journalism education in Havana pertains, ... -
The Cunning man. A Microhistorical Analysis of Jacob Orm and the Economics of Magic in Trondheim, 1730-1742.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents a microhistorical analysis of the practices of cunning man Jacob Orm and the so-called “great thief conspiracy of Trondheim” of the 1730s. Orm practised treasure hunting and the finding of lost goods, ... -
“A Danish corner in the heart of Lebanon”. Protestant missions, humanitarianism, and Armenian orphans, ca. 1920-1960
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article investigates the role of Danish missionary and nurse Maria Jacobsen (1882-1960), working in Lebanon among Armenian refugees and orphans from ca. 1920 to 1960. The background of the Armenian-Danish relationship ... -
Decision Transparency for enhanced human-machine collaboration for autonomous ships
(Chapter, 2023)Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) are quickly emerging as a gamechanging technology in various parts of the world. They can be used for a wide range of applications, including cargo transportation, oceanographic ... -
Den kunnskapsrike pasienten
(Chapter, 2008)Opplæring av pasientar og pårørande er ei av fire oppgåver som sjukehusa har eit særleg ansvar for. Målet er pasienten som liknar Morten i artikkelen. Han har eit godt team. Han har ein smerteklinikk, ein fotspesialist, ... -
Det autoritære og sublime Norge i Henrik Wergelands «Paa Havet i Storm» (1834)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)I denne artikkelen undersøker jeg Henrik Wergelands store og kaotiske dikt «Paa Havet i Storm» (1834). Jeg gjør rede for diktets overordnede linjer, både fordi dette mangler i Wergeland-forskningen, og fordi det er viktig ... -
"Det er veldig forskjellig fra hjemlandet mitt". Migrantforeldres erfaringer med kommunikasjon og samhandling med barnehagepersonalet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen presenterer en intervjustudie med syv foreldre med migrasjonsbakgrunn som deltakere. Formålet med studien er å utforske hvordan foreldre med migrasjonsbakgrunn erfarer kommunikasjon og samhandling med ... -
Det som sitter i veggene
(Journal article, 2013)Rommet ser ut til spille en viktig rolle når man informerer om helse. Et forskningsprosjekt i samarbeid mellom Høgskolene Sør-Trøndelag, Molde og Volda har invitert en gruppe pårørende til mennesker med demens til ... -
Developing self-efficacy through an extra preparatory school year: Lower secondary students’ perspectives on teacher support
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Quantitative and qualitative data have rarely been combined to offer a rich portrait of how self-efficacy develops in a specific context. We responded to this limitation by investigating students’ experiences of an extra ... -
Developing teachers’ responsive pedagogy in mathematics, does it lead to short-term effects on student learning?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this study, we examine the short-term effects of an intervention aimed at developing teachers’ responsive pedagogy in mathematics. The study analyses how an emphasis on responsive pedagogy in 9th grade classrooms over ...