Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 185-194 of 194
Valued Learning Topics in Kindergarten
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In the Scandinavian tradition, how children learn is of much greater importance than what children. However, this study seeks primarily to investigate “what to learn” as opposed to “how to learn.” The matter of what topics ... -
"Vent ikke noe beskjedenhet fra meg". Om kanoniseringen av en forfatter
(Chapter, 2023)I denne boken ønsker vi å gi ytterligere et bidrag til den pågående kanoniseringen av Torborg Nedreaas’ forfatterskap, slik at verkene hennes kan nå ut til enda en ny generasjon lesere, samtidig som de som allerede kjenner ... -
Virkelighetsnære oppdrag i Kunst og håndverk. En analyse av kompetansemålene i LK20
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Høsten 2020 ble det innført en ny læreplan for den norske grunnskolen. Læreplanen i hvert fag innledes med en beskrivelse av fagets relevans for den enkelte elev, samfunn- og arbeidsliv. I beskrivelsen av relevansen ved ... -
Vulnerable youth – dependency or independence? : school experiences, transitions and adaptation to and within adult life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)This article examines the factors that influence the potential for independence among individuals experiencing special learning conditions in upper secondary school owing to psycho-social difficulties (PSDs) or general ... -
Weight-based victimization and physical activity among adolecents with overweight or obesity: A scoping review of quantitative and qualitative evidence.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Increased physical activity engagement plays a vital role in preventing and treating overweight or obesity in children and adolescents. Research has found that adolescents who are overweight or obese tend to participate ... -
Whales as a Nordic speciality: Collecting cetaceans for Natural History Museums (1860s–1910s)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Whales are not specifically Nordic animals, but Nordic whales have been central in European natural history collections since the second half of the nineteenth century; this article analyses how this came to be. Several ... -
When do consultative referendums improve democracy? Evidence from local referendums in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Consultative referendums may provide crucial information about public opinion but have received little attention in the literature compared with their binding counterparts. In this article, we analyse 221 Norwegian local ... -
‘Where to ski?’: an ethnography of how guides make sense while planning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A ski guide’s job is to take recreational skiers into avalanche terrain. In this paper, we explore how ski guides make sense of complex social and ecological contexts while planning. Our data arises out of a one-year ... -
Windjammer: Finding Purpose and Meaning on a Tall Ship Adventure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Windjammer project started in 2018 as a social entrepreneurship program in Norway for adolescents at risk of social drop-out and societal exclusion. While the effects on society of such programs are difficult to measure, ... -
Å kome i gang med matematisk modellering i klasserommet – kan PISA-oppgåver vise veg frå kaos til system i første del av modelleringsprosessen?
(Chapter, 2024)Matematisk modellering handlar om å bruke matematikk til å løyse problem frå den verkelege verda. Resultat frå fleire studiar viser at den første delen av modelleringsprosessen, der problemet skal omsetjast til eit matematisk ...