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Høgskulen i Volda [1223]
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Språk som styring
(Master thesis, 2024)2022 gjorde norske styresmakter det munnlege språkkravet for å bli norsk statsborgar vanskelegare. Det vart vist til at dette vart gjort for å leggje til rette både for integrering og for å få folk ut i arbeid. Vedtaket ... -
Bilectal Exposure Modulates Neural Signatures to Conflicting Grammatical Properties: Norway as a Natural Laboratory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The current study investigated gender (control) and number (target) agreement processing in Northern and non-Northern Norwegians living in Northern Norway. Participants varied in exposure to Northern Norwegian (NN) dialect(s), ... -
The Sami yoik as creative wellbeing
(Chapter, 2024)In this chapter, the Sami yoik is explored and discussed as creative wellbeing, focusing on how yoiking might stimulate the creation of something new that promotes transcending growth that goes beyond the individual. Sami ... -
Interprofessional collaboration in reintegration after prison for prisoners with substance abuse issues : a scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Reintegration after prison for prisoners with interlinked welfare needs has been one of the most challenging issues for decades in the criminal justice system. The WHO and the UN highlight the demand for well-functioning ... -
Relaxed performance. Promoting creative wellbeing for all
(Chapter, 2024)Many people living with disabilities in Norway face barriers that prevent their full participation in arts and cultural activities. This is despite international human rights and national laws mandating equal opportunities ...