Browsing BraVo by Document Types "Chapter"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Animasjonar som pedagogisk verkemiddel
(Chapter, 2023)I denne teksten ser vi nærare på eit arbeidsplassbasert kompetanseutviklingstiltak om vald i nære relasjonar. Tiltaket er utvikla på grunnlag av kommunale handlingsplanar mot vald i Romsdals-regionen. Det vart laga fire ... -
Assuring Safe Implementation of Decision Support Functionality based on Data-driven Methods for Ship Navigation
(Chapter, 2020)The rapid technology development related to machine learning and data-driven models for autonomous and unmanned vessels continues. Also manned vessels can make use of this technology, for example to enhance situational ... -
Decision Transparency for enhanced human-machine collaboration for autonomous ships
(Chapter, 2023)Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) are quickly emerging as a gamechanging technology in various parts of the world. They can be used for a wide range of applications, including cargo transportation, oceanographic ... -
Den kunnskapsrike pasienten
(Chapter, 2008)Opplæring av pasientar og pårørande er ei av fire oppgåver som sjukehusa har eit særleg ansvar for. Målet er pasienten som liknar Morten i artikkelen. Han har eit godt team. Han har ein smerteklinikk, ein fotspesialist, ... -
Do we need the users voice : An empirical research example comparing views of service providers and ex-prisoners : Implications for practice
(Chapter, 2021)User involvement in service development is seen as important to the credibility of these interventions but involving prisoners or ex-prisoners in this process can be problematic because of the vulnerability of this group ... -
Education model for future
(Chapter, 2023)The modern work environment requires many new abilities. Hence, there are often called 21st-century skills. It can be caused to the increasingly common use of digital tools or by more and more individualization (fitting) ... -
Er det den konfliktskapende eller fredssøkende Hauge som bør minnes?
(Chapter, 2023)The approach of the Norwegian lay preacher Hans Nielsen Hauge (1771–1824) toward contemporary society was twofold. Before Hauge’s trial, it was largely one of conflicts; afterwards it was mainly one of conciliation. In the ... -
Historiefortelling som brobygger mellom praksis og høyere utdanning
(Chapter, 2019)Artikkelen undersøker historiefortelling som del av en videreutdanningsmodell. Historienes funksjon som brobygger mellom praksis og teori blir studert på basis av narrativers egenskaper. Analysen er gjort ved hjelp av ... -
Integrated Programming and Mathematics in Schools - A Solid Foundation for a Future Engineering Education?
(Chapter, 2022)The interest in programming in schools has the last decade increased, and many countries have introduced programming as part of the school curriculum. Teaching of programming to students in primary and secondary school is ... -
Komplekse rom og mangeartede steder: Religion og interdisiplinære kontekster
(Chapter, 2020)Abstract: This article maps out the complexity of the phenomena and concepts space and place, with a special focus on religious studies and related disciplines. We start by identifying core elements in the so-called ‘spatial ... -
Kvalitet og arbeidslivsrelevans i velferdsutdanningane – to sider av det same
(Chapter, 2023)Stortingsmelding 16 (2020–2021), Utdanning for omstilling, har gitt omgrepet «arbeidslivsrelevans» auka merksemd. I dette essayet vert omgrepet og stortingsmeldinga sett i lys av velferdsutdanningane, og då særleg sosialt ... -
Making sense of grammatical variation in Norwegian
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This study examines two examples of grammatical variation in Norwegian inflection, strong versus weak verb conjugation and affixal versus periphrastic adjective comparison. The main claim is that the choice of variants is ... -
Når Jesus tar til gatene: Katolske Corpus Christi-prosesjoner i norske byrom
(Chapter, 2020)Abstract: Religious processions in secular urban spaces are a growing phenomenon that has received limited public attention in Norway. In this country, the Roman Catholic Church is a large and culturally diverse religious ... -
Plant Remains as Sources to Cultural History in Southeast Norway
(Chapter, 2023)By way of deploying a newly generated database with radiocarbon dates from southeastern Norway, we show the strength in using aggregated archaeological data. This approach provides us with the ability to look past individual ... -
Promoting and democratizing literature. A Norwegian policy success
(Chapter, 2022)Norway’s literary policy as a central part of the cultural policy was etablished in the 1960s with the aim to preserve and protect Norwegian language and culture, improve the writers’ economy and thus also secure an ... -
Prosjektstyring for nyskaping : gjennomføring av innovasjonsprosjekt der studentar er viktige bidragsytarar
(Chapter, 2023)Artikkelen undersøker korleis ein kan lukkast med tverrfaglege innovasjonsprosjekt i universitets- og høgskulesektoren der studentar er viktige bidragsytarar. Den bygger på eit prosjekt som utvikla korte animasjonsfilmar ... -
Relaxed performance. Promoting creative wellbeing for all
(Chapter, 2024)Many people living with disabilities in Norway face barriers that prevent their full participation in arts and cultural activities. This is despite international human rights and national laws mandating equal opportunities ... -
The Sami yoik as creative wellbeing
(Chapter, 2024)In this chapter, the Sami yoik is explored and discussed as creative wellbeing, focusing on how yoiking might stimulate the creation of something new that promotes transcending growth that goes beyond the individual. Sami ... -
Teacher actions to promote mathematical competencies in programming activities
(Chapter, 2024)The use of mathematical competencies in education has gained considerable attention, especially over the last two decades. This paper outlines a study that explores the integration of programming used to enhance students' ...