Browsing Nynorsk skriftkultur by Subject "VDP::Humaniora: 000::Litteraturvitenskapelige fag: 040::Nordisk litteratur: 042"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
«Korleis seie vakkert bort». Ei utforsking av forholdet mellom sjangeroverskridande litterært språk og eksistensiell tematikk i Jan Roar Leikvolls roman Bovara
(Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis is about the novel Bovara, written by Jan Roar Leikvoll. It was published in 2012, and is the last book in a trilogy known for brutal stories told in a poetic language. The main character is Frrok, a ... -
Språk i møte med det språklause Ein narrativ og tematisk analyse av Lars Amund Vaages Syngja
(Master thesis, 2015)In this master thesis I have analyzed Lars Amund Vaage's novel Syngja. It was published in 2012 and received good reviews. The main character in the novel is the father of an autistic girl called G, and he is also a ...