Browsing Undervisning og læring (tidl.: Spesialpedagogikk) by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 109
Barns rett til medverknad – ein demokratisk verdi? Ei kvalitativ studie med fokus på kommunikasjon mellom pedagogen og barna i planlagde læringsaktivitetar i barnehagen
(Master thesis, 2012)Summary This study is about the right of children to participate. The purpose of the study is to study how the teacher arranges for the children to express themselves, in a way they becomes more involved in learning ... -
Arbeidsplaner - omfang, aktivitet, samhandling og begrunnelser
(Master thesis, 2012)Summary The subject of this study is the use of work plans (schemes of work) in school. A work plan is a document that describes assignment the students are expected to do during a particular period of time. It can be ... -
En studie av foresatte sin opplevelse av samarbeidet med skolen etter innføringen av forsterket opplæring
(Master thesis, 2012)Summary The topic investigated concerns early childhood intervention and school- home cooperation. Previous research (Nordahl, 2003, 2007; Johnsen, 2008) has shown that parents whose children struggle academically often ... -
Korleis vurderer lærarar trening i relasjonsbygging og sosial kompetanse som verkty i førebygging og handtering av mobbing?
(Master thesis, 2012)Summary The purpose of this assignment is to give an insight into how experienced teachers with competence within relations, work. Research around bullying and educational environment agrees that the quality of the classroom ... -
Korleis ser fenomenet skulevegring i Sogn og Fjordane ut frå eit elevperspektiv?
(Master thesis, 2013)Samandrag Norsk forsking har satsa lite på skulevegring. Likevel veit vi at mange elevar vegrar seg kvar dag for å gå til skulen. Dette mastergradprosjektet har som formål å få ein betre innsikt i fenomenet skulevegring, ... -
Slik elevene ser det. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av hvordan noen frafallselever opplevde lærer-elevrelasjonen på videregående skole.
(Master thesis, 2013)Summary The topic of this master thesis is relationships between teachers and students who dropped out of upper secondary school. The research question is: “How did students who dropped out of school experience their ... -
Tidlig innsats. Spesialpedagogisk hjelp til førskolebarn med cochleaimplantat (CI)
(Master thesis, 2013)Summary The extent of support regarding special education in this survey, both in regards to special education and assistants/educators, varies extremely. How much special education a child with CI receives, might look ... -
Kva innhald og funksjon har undervegsvurderinga i elevsamtalen for fagleg sterke elevar i vidaregåande skule?
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary The situation for high-achieving students in Norwegian schools is a recurrent theme in media and in political debates, but not much research exist on the topic in a Norwegian context. I have chosen to approach ... -
Korleis opplever ungdom og unge vaksne som hadde spesialundervisning i ungdomsskulen, at relasjonen til læraren var? Ei kvalitativ, retrospektiv intervjuundersøking
(Master thesis, 2014)Summary The topic of this master thesis is the relationship between teacher and students with special education. Extensive research shows that this relationship is crucial to the students’ learning and development, ... -
Det var ein gong ... . Kva kjenneteiknar skrivekompetansen på 4. trinn?
(Master thesis, 2015)Abstract During this study I have analyzed stories written by students in 4th grade, to see if there are any common characteristics of the writing skills at that grade. The study is built on the research question: What ... -
Hvordan forstår lærere aggresjon, og hvordan kan man håndtere det? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om aggresjon i skolen
(Master thesis, 2015)Abstract The theme of the study is the understanding and handling of aggression. Research shows that it is the authoritative adult role that provides the greatest opportunity to influence behavior. Relationships are ... -
Overgang barnehage - skole. Komparativ studie av barnehage- og skolepedagoger sitt perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2015)Abstract The subject of this master thesis is the transition from kindergarten to first school. Children’s different experience of confidence and security during the transition from kindergarten to first school can impact ... -
"Dette skal vi få til sammen". En kvalitativ studie om aggresjon og tidlig innsats i småskolen
(Master thesis, 2015)Abstract This study focusing aggression in primary school. Aggression is seen as a serious problem in society and pupils who show aggression constitutes a widespread problem in school. This master thesis focuses on teachers' ... -
Korleis opplever læraren arbeidet med utarbeiding og praktisering av IOP i skulen?
(Master thesis, 2015)Abstract Theme: The main theme of this master thesis is individual education plans (IEP) in primary school. It is a survey about how teachers have experienced to prepare and practice working with these plans. Purpose: The ... -
Nyutdanna lærarar sitt møte med yrket, med særleg vekt på planleggingsarbeidet
(Master thesis, 2015)Summary The topic for this master thesis is the experiences novice teachers get when they start their professional career as a teacher. The thesis has a special focus on how these teachers make their plans for the teaching, ... -
Korleis opplever eleven å ha vanskar i matematikk? "Eg er berre glad for at eg ikkje er dum"
(Master thesis, 2015)Summary This is a study about pupils with great difficulties in mathematics. The aims of my study is to find out how pupils experience their mathematical problems, and study how and if it influences on their motivation ... -
Elevar sin motivasjon for norskfaget på 6. og 9. årstrinn.
(Master thesis, 2015)Temaet for denne oppgåva er motivasjon for norskfaget. Den er basert på følgjande forskingsspørsmål: ”Kva skilnad finn ein i elevar sin motivasjon for norskfaget på 6. og 9. årstrinn? Og kva skilnad finn ein mellom gutar ... -
Motivasjon for læring i matematikk. En kvantitativ analyse av sammenhengen mellom motivasjon og prestasjon i faget.
(Master thesis, 2016)SUMMARY In this thesis I focus on students' motivation for mathematics and their achievements in the subject. In my study I use data from the SPEED project, which is a collaboration between the Hedmark University College ... -
Samspill mellom toåringer og de voksne i barnehagen
(Master thesis, 2016)Abstract This thesis is about the interaction between the two-year-old child and the adult in the Norwegian kindergarden. I have observed two year olds in two different kindergartens with their own toddler departments. I ... -
Korleis kan læraren legge til rette for at svakt presterande elevar i matematikk kan bli meir motivert til å arbeide med faget?. «Det handlar jo ikkje berre om matematikk»
(Master thesis, 2016)Summary in English Motivation is a term that has gained ever more attention of the Norwegian school the last few years. For teachers, there is a major challenge in motivating weakly performing pupils in mathematics in the ...