Media Practices (tidl. Dokumentar og journalistikk)
I denne samlinga finst mastergradsoppgåver i Media Practices (tidl. Dokumentar og journalistikk) som har fått karakteren A, B eller C.
Recent Submissions
The Power of Rhetoric. Unpacking Political Speeches and their role in conflict escalation
(Master thesis, 2024)This master thesis describes how rhetoric is used by politicians to persuade audiences during ethnic conflict. I propose that specific linguistic features employed by Albin Kurti and Aleksandar Vučić in speeches from ... -
What logics guide the work of partisan factchecking in non-democratic states? A content analysis of the Russian fact-checking project “War on Fakes”
(Master thesis, 2024)Abstract Despite a growing tendency of the fact-checking industry, the research within this field has been largely focused on studying the practice of organizations from Europe and the USA, leaving non-Western initiatives ... -
Seeking Identity in Diasporic Film in Norway. A Textual Analysis of the TV Series Norsk-ish (2020 NRK) Season One
(Master thesis, 2023)The first and second-generation migrants in Norway now have more opportunities to tell their stories of diasporic experiences in the entertainment industry due to the recent film and television industry's inclusive policies. ... -
Urban kittiwakes: victims, villains or heroes? Local news framing of novel human-wildlife conflict in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)This study examines the frames used by Tromsø news outlets in articles about urban black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). In just seven years, the urban population of kittiwakes in this Norwegian coastal city grew ...