Blar i Publikasjoner fra CRIStin på utgivelsesdato
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Eksamensoppgaver i barnehagelærerutdanningen i lys av formålet om en integrert, profesjonsrettet og forskningsbasert utdanning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Intensjonen med denne artikkelen er å analysere og diskutere hvordan eksamensformer og oppgavetekster i den nye barnehagelærerutdanningen bidrar til en integrert, profesjonsrettet og forskningsbasert utdanning. ... -
Journalistik och falska nyheter – en problematisering
(Journal article, 2017) -
Preschool teacher educators’ conceptions about teaching early literacy to future preschool teachers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)This study aims to examine what conceptions preschool teacher educators in Norway have about the subject fields of children’s language learning and early literacy. To investigate what the teacher educators in these two ... -
Herrenes historie, igjen?
(Others, 2018)Når noen av dagens voksne, kvinnelige historikere møtes, hender det at vi mimrer om vår egen tid som hovedfagsstudenter. Vi tenker tilbake på et historiefag som var sterkt mannsdominert. Det fantes få fast ansatte kvinnelige ... -
Vulnerable youth – dependency or independence? : school experiences, transitions and adaptation to and within adult life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)This article examines the factors that influence the potential for independence among individuals experiencing special learning conditions in upper secondary school owing to psycho-social difficulties (PSDs) or general ... -
Cocaine Directly Impairs Memory Extinction and Alters Brain DNA Methylation Dynamics in Honey Bees
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Drug addiction is a chronic relapsing behavioral disorder. The high relapse rate has often been attributed to the perseverance of drug-associated memories due to high incentive salience of stimuli learnt under the influence ... -
A participatory discourse analysis of service users’ accounts of meeting places in Norwegian community mental health care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Since the 1960s, deinstitutionalisation has been salient in mental health reforms across the West. In Norway, this culminated in the National Action Plan for Mental Health (1999-2008), where meeting places in community ... -
Making sense of grammatical variation in Norwegian
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This study examines two examples of grammatical variation in Norwegian inflection, strong versus weak verb conjugation and affixal versus periphrastic adjective comparison. The main claim is that the choice of variants is ... -
Large-scale transcriptome changes in the process of long-term visual memory formation in the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Many genes have been implicated in mechanisms of long-term memory formation, but there is still much to be learnt about how the genome dynamically responds, transcriptionally, during memory formation. In this study, we ... -
Cuban journalism students: between ideals and state ideology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Cuban journalism students find that journalistic ideals learnt in university are incompatible with the media reality they encounter during periods of practical training in state media. Journalism education in Havana pertains, ... -
Students' perceptions of teachers' feedback practice in teaching English as a foreign language
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This study focused on the relationship of students' perceptions of teachers' feedback practice with students' perceived external goal orientation, self-regulation, self-efficacy, and English as a foreign language (EFL) ... -
Development of positive emotions in physical education: Person-centered approach for understanding motivational stability and change
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A person-centered exploration of positive emotions in relation to selfdetermination theory might shed light on the hidden dynamics in the motivational processes in physical education (PE). In the present longitudinal study, ... -
The Nubian Frontier as a Refuge Area Warrior Society between c. 1200 and c. 1800 CE: A Comparison between Nubia and the Ottoman Balkans
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The period from the Ayyubid invasion of Lower Nubia by Salah ad-Din’s brother in 1172–1173 to Mohammed Ali’s conquest of northern Sudan in 1820–1821 has been termed the Feudal Age by William Adams, the nestor of Nubian ... -
Face-to-face and remote teaching in a doctoral education course: Using Flipped classroom, formative assessment and remote teaching to increase the teaching quality of a literature review course
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This case study examines face-to-face and remote teaching in a doctoral education course and ask if flipped classroom, formative assessment and remote teaching increase the teaching quality of a literature review course. ... -
Legitimising Inter-Sectoral Public Health Policies: A Challenge for Professional Identities?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction: The 2012 Norwegian Public Health Act stipulates that all Norwegian municipalities need to integrate public health concerns in their decision-making processes at all policy levels. Based on a Health in All ... -
Det autoritære og sublime Norge i Henrik Wergelands «Paa Havet i Storm» (1834)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)I denne artikkelen undersøker jeg Henrik Wergelands store og kaotiske dikt «Paa Havet i Storm» (1834). Jeg gjør rede for diktets overordnede linjer, både fordi dette mangler i Wergeland-forskningen, og fordi det er viktig ... -
Diverging ideals of autonomy: Non-state media in Cuba challenging a broken media monopoly
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)News outlets funded by actors other than the state are broadening the range of movement for journalists in Cuba. How are these non-state outlets affecting ideals of autonomy in the state media? Through qualitative interviews, ... -
A Place Under Siege: Self-Censorship Strategies among Cuban State Media Journalists
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article analyses how enemy images of the US in Cuba affect journalists in the Cuban state media. For the political elite, the image of US imperialistic interests has legitimated their continuing control over the media. ... -
Everyday occupations prioritised by older adults participating in reablement. A cross-sectional study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Little knowledge exists regarding which occupations older adults prioritize as rehabilitation goals in reablement and what factors are associated with their preferences. Objectives: To explore which occupations ... -
The semantics of Scandinavian pancake constructions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A classical topic in the syntax of the mainland Scandinavian languages is so-called pancake clauses where there seemingly is disagreement between the subject and the predicative adjective, as in Pannekaker er godt ...