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dc.contributor.authorSunde, Margunn
dc.contributor.authorKarlsbakk, Marianne
dc.description.abstractDenne studien har hatt som mål å utforske sosialarbeidarar si bakkebyråkrat-rolle, og korleis dei opplever og handterer spenningar i det sosiale arbeidet. Studien kombinerer eit bakkebyråkratisk perspektiv med profesjonsetikk, for å skape ein tettare samanheng mellom bakkebyråkratiske spenningar og den spesifikke profesjonen vi ville studere. Konteksten vi brukte for å undersøkje dette temaet er dei sosiale tenestene i NAV med problemstillinga: «Korleis handterer sosialarbeidarar spenningar i oppfølgingsarbeidet med langtidsmottakarar av økonomisk sosialhjelp?» Studien er kvalitativ og basert på semi-strukturerte djupneintervju frå fire informantar som arbeider med denne brukargruppa. Desse blei rekrutterte gjennom kjennskapen vi fekk til dei under praksisstudiet i 2021. Data blei analysert gjennom ei induktiv tilnærming, der funna viste at sosialarbeidarane opplever spenningar knytt til krysspress, spenningar i arbeidet med dei mest sårbare brukarane, samt i utfordringar med sysselsetjing. Det viste seg at desse spenningane var kjelder til profesjonsetisk stress og belastningar, noko som synte seg i måten dei handterte arbeidet på. Vekslande inntak av moralske disposisjonar, bruk av kollegiet for drøfting og forklaring av sysselsetjingsproblem med ytre forhold, var måtar sosialarbeidarane handterte spenningane på, noko som synte seg å kunne redusere stress og belastningar. Likevel kunne det sjå ut som at desse handteringsmåtane også kunne gje negative konsekvensar for brukarane gjennom skjulte mekanismar som finnast i bakkebyråkratiet. Dette kan vere relevant kunnskap både for bakkebyråkratar generelt, men også for dei som skal setje rammefaktorar for sosialarbeidarar som arbeider med langvarige mottakarar. Vi har sett at det profesjonsetiske stresset kan påverke oppfølgingsarbeidet, noko som viser at det må vere rom og moglegheiter for at sosialarbeidarane kan utføre arbeidet sitt i tråd med dei profesjonsetiske verdiane. Vi meiner at det er behov for ytterlegare kunnskap om dette temaet og har anbefalt vidare utforsking av sosialarbeidarane sin profesjonsetikk i dei sosiale tenestene i NAV.en_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract Our research aims to explore the role of social workers as street level bureaucrats, and how they experience and handle conflicts that arise in their work. The study combines a street level bureaucratic perspective with professional ethics, to create a closer connection between street level bureaucratic tensions and the specific profession we wanted to research. The context we used to investigate this topic is the social services in NAV with the problem: «How do social workers handle tension in following up long-term recipients of financial assistance?» The study is qualitative, based on in-depth interviews with four informants who work with long term clients in the NAV- system. The informants were recruited based on knowledge about them and their work, during our internship in NAV in 2021. Data was analyzed through an inductive approach, and the findings showed that social workers experience tensions related to conflicting expectations, work-oriented assistance and tensions in working with the most vulnerable clients. These tensions were a source of ethical stress, which was reflected in the way the social workers handled their job. Tensions were handled by alternating intake of moral dispositions, discussion and support from colleagues and explanations of employment-difficulties with external conditions. These methods seemed to reduce ethical stress, but nevertheless, it could seem that these methods also could have negative consequences for users through hidden mechanisms found in the street level bureaucracy. This can be relevant knowledge for street level bureaucrats in general, and for those who set the framework for social workers working with long-term financial recipients. We have seen that the ethical stress can affect the services clients receive, which shows that there must be space and opportunity for the social workers to carry out their work in line with the professional ethical values. We believe that there is a need for further knowledge on this topic and have recommended further exploration of the social workers' professional ethics in the social services in NAV.
dc.description.sponsorshipAbstract Our research aims to explore the role of social workers as street level bureaucrats, and how they experience and handle conflicts that arise in their work. The study combines a street level bureaucratic perspective with professional ethics, to create a closer connection between street level bureaucratic tensions and the specific profession we wanted to research. The context we used to investigate this topic is the social services in NAV with the problem: «How do social workers handle tension in following up long-term recipients of financial assistance?» The study is qualitative, based on in-depth interviews with four informants who work with long term clients in the NAV- system. The informants were recruited based on knowledge about them and their work, during our internship in NAV in 2021. Data was analyzed through an inductive approach, and the findings showed that social workers experience tensions related to conflicting expectations, work-oriented assistance and tensions in working with the most vulnerable clients. These tensions were a source of ethical stress, which was reflected in the way the social workers handled their job. Tensions were handled by alternating intake of moral dispositions, discussion and support from colleagues and explanations of employment-difficulties with external conditions. These methods seemed to reduce ethical stress, but nevertheless, it could seem that these methods also could have negative consequences for users through hidden mechanisms found in the street level bureaucracy. This can be relevant knowledge for street level bureaucrats in general, and for those who set the framework for social workers working with long-term financial recipients. We have seen that the ethical stress can affect the services clients receive, which shows that there must be space and opportunity for the social workers to carry out their work in line with the professional ethical values. We believe that there is a need for further knowledge on this topic and have recommended further exploration of the social workers' professional ethics in the social services in NAV.en_US
dc.publisherHøgskulen i Voldaen_US
dc.titleØkonomisk sosialhjelp – eit spenningsfelt for sosialarbeidaren. Ein kvalitativ intervjustudieen_US
dc.typeBachelor thesisen_US

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