Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 2-21 of 194
Activation policy and discretion in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)–introducing a multi-layered explanatory model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article analyses how employees in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) experience their leeway for discretionary judgments related to financial assistance, the work assessment allowance and the ... -
Adaptive Learning Technology in Primary Education: Implications for Professional Teacher Knowledge and Classroom Management
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The aim of this study is to explore the introduction of Adaptive Learning Technology (ALT) and inherent Learning Analytics (LA) in the classroom management and professionalism of teachers in a primary education real-life ... -
Adolescents who are overweight or obese - the relevance of a social network to engaging in physical activity: a qualitative study.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Increased level of physical activity (PA) is one of the approaches offered by school health services in Norway for the prevention and treatment of children and adolescents with overweight and obesity. Research ... -
An educational intervention study on mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence: changes in knowledge and attitudes among healthcare providers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health concern. Healthcare providers can play a crucial role in reporting cases of IPV or suspected IPV injuries to the police or the criminal justice system, ... -
Animasjonar som pedagogisk verkemiddel
(Chapter, 2023)I denne teksten ser vi nærare på eit arbeidsplassbasert kompetanseutviklingstiltak om vald i nære relasjonar. Tiltaket er utvikla på grunnlag av kommunale handlingsplanar mot vald i Romsdals-regionen. Det vart laga fire ... -
Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering og hverdagens motstand
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen undersøker hvordan ideen bak et arbeidsrettet rehabiliteringstiltak samsvarer med rehabiliteringsdeltakernes utfordringer i hverdagslivet. Den tar utgangspunkt i et tiltak for personer som har vært langtidssykemeldte ... -
Assessing autonomous ship navigation using bridge simulators enhanced by cycle-consistent adversarial networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The advent of artificial intelligence and deep learning has provided sophisticated functionality for sensor fusion and object detection and classification which have accelerated the development of highly automated and ... -
Associative Mechanisms Allow for SocialLearning and Cultural Transmission of StringPulling in an Insect
(Journal article, 2016)Social insects make elaborate use of simple mechanisms to achieve seemingly complex behavior and may thus provide a unique resource to discover the basic cognitive elements required for culture, i.e., group-specific behaviors ... -
Assuring Safe Implementation of Decision Support Functionality based on Data-driven Methods for Ship Navigation
(Chapter, 2020)The rapid technology development related to machine learning and data-driven models for autonomous and unmanned vessels continues. Also manned vessels can make use of this technology, for example to enhance situational ... -
Bandura’s self-efficacy model used to explore participants’ experiences of health, lifestyle, and work after attending a vocational rehabilitation program with lifestyle intervention : a focus group study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Purpose: We aimed to use the self-efficacy model to examine the participants’ experience, attitudes, and viewpoints regarding the association between work, health and lifestyle factors that influence work participation ... -
Barns skjermbruk som tema i samarbeidet mellom barnehage og hjem – et forsømt område?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Artikkelen utforsker barns skjermbruk som tema i samarbeidet mellom barnehagen og barnets hjem. På bakgrunn av en kartlegging av foreldres holdninger til barnehagens rolle når det gjelder 4–6-åringers skjermbruk, diskuteres ... -
Bidialectal language representation and processing: Evidence from Norwegian ERPs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study investigates bilectal grammatical representation and processing using three ERP reading experiments in two Norwegian dialect regions. Northern Norwegian bilectals were tested in two separate sessions in two ... -
Bilectal Exposure Modulates Neural Signatures to Conflicting Grammatical Properties: Norway as a Natural Laboratory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The current study investigated gender (control) and number (target) agreement processing in Northern and non-Northern Norwegians living in Northern Norway. Participants varied in exposure to Northern Norwegian (NN) dialect(s), ... -
Bokmålsavvik frå nynorsknorma i sjetteklassetekstar
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Føremålet med artikkelen er å undersøkja bokmålssamanfall som ein faktori tekstar av elevar med nynorsk som hovudmål, for å leggja eit empiriskgrunnlag for å diskutera om nynorskelevar har andre opplæringsbehov nårdet gjeld ... -
Bridging troubled water: Preparing for school through play and special activities in kindergarten
(Journal article, 2022)Play is fundamental in the Nordic kindergarten tradition, which is built upon a Froebelian pedagogy where play is intertwined with learning and interactions between the child and adult. However, kindergarten as an institution ... -
CANN 2021: En studie om cannabiserfaringer, kunnskap og holdninger blant elever på videregående skoler.
(Research report, 2022)Cann2021-undersøkelsen er en representativ, landsomfattende undersøkelse gjennomført med 3 490 elever fra 34 videregående skoler i Norge. Studien omfattet både en nettbasert spørreundersøkelse for alle elevene og kvalitative ... -
Capitals as bad equilibria
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Throughout the recent pandemic, governments used digital video technologies to facilitate social distancing during political meetings. In addition to enabling social distancing, a theoretical advantage of virtual political ... -
Changes to body mass index, work self-efficacy, health-related quality of life, and work participation in people with obesity after vocational rehabilitation : a prospective observational study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background People on or at risk of sick leave from work due to obesity or obesity-related problems participated in a new vocational rehabilitation (VR). The study aimed to examine the outcome changes in the participants’ ... -
Characteristics of Patients Reporting Presumed Problematic Drinking Behavior After Gastric Bypass: Exploring Long-Term Data From the BAROBS Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective: To explore patients’ long-term experiences with drinking alcohol after Roux-n-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) for conceptualizing what may indicate problematic drinking behavior after bariatric surgery. Study Design: ... -
Cocaine Directly Impairs Memory Extinction and Alters Brain DNA Methylation Dynamics in Honey Bees
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Drug addiction is a chronic relapsing behavioral disorder. The high relapse rate has often been attributed to the perseverance of drug-associated memories due to high incentive salience of stimuli learnt under the influence ...