Publikasjoner fra CRIStin: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 194
Bilectal Exposure Modulates Neural Signatures to Conflicting Grammatical Properties: Norway as a Natural Laboratory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The current study investigated gender (control) and number (target) agreement processing in Northern and non-Northern Norwegians living in Northern Norway. Participants varied in exposure to Northern Norwegian (NN) dialect(s), ... -
The Sami yoik as creative wellbeing
(Chapter, 2024)In this chapter, the Sami yoik is explored and discussed as creative wellbeing, focusing on how yoiking might stimulate the creation of something new that promotes transcending growth that goes beyond the individual. Sami ... -
Interprofessional collaboration in reintegration after prison for prisoners with substance abuse issues : a scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Reintegration after prison for prisoners with interlinked welfare needs has been one of the most challenging issues for decades in the criminal justice system. The WHO and the UN highlight the demand for well-functioning ... -
Relaxed performance. Promoting creative wellbeing for all
(Chapter, 2024)Many people living with disabilities in Norway face barriers that prevent their full participation in arts and cultural activities. This is despite international human rights and national laws mandating equal opportunities ... -
Mapping interaction quality for nursing and medical students in primary care placement in municipal emergency care units: a systematic observational study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Primary care placement for nursing and medical students is vital for developing the competence to accommodate the increasing number of patients with multimorbid and complex conditions. Prior studies have ... -
An educational intervention study on mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence: changes in knowledge and attitudes among healthcare providers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health concern. Healthcare providers can play a crucial role in reporting cases of IPV or suspected IPV injuries to the police or the criminal justice system, ... -
Whales as a Nordic speciality: Collecting cetaceans for Natural History Museums (1860s–1910s)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Whales are not specifically Nordic animals, but Nordic whales have been central in European natural history collections since the second half of the nineteenth century; this article analyses how this came to be. Several ... -
Å kome i gang med matematisk modellering i klasserommet – kan PISA-oppgåver vise veg frå kaos til system i første del av modelleringsprosessen?
(Chapter, 2024)Matematisk modellering handlar om å bruke matematikk til å løyse problem frå den verkelege verda. Resultat frå fleire studiar viser at den første delen av modelleringsprosessen, der problemet skal omsetjast til eit matematisk ... -
Utvikling i samarbeidskultur etter samanslåing av høgskular
(Chapter, 2024)Dette kapittelet ser på korleis organisasjonskulturen endrar seg etter samanslåing av høgskular, og korleis samarbeidet, både internt og eksternt, fungerer i den samanslåtte høgskulen. Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL) vart ... -
The Cunning man. A Microhistorical Analysis of Jacob Orm and the Economics of Magic in Trondheim, 1730-1742.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents a microhistorical analysis of the practices of cunning man Jacob Orm and the so-called “great thief conspiracy of Trondheim” of the 1730s. Orm practised treasure hunting and the finding of lost goods, ... -
Hvem er herre over smaken? Unge kokkeelevers opplevelse av smak
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Denne artikkelen beskriver hvordan unge kokkeelever forholder seg til smak gjennom opplæringen i vg1 restaurant- og matfag i den videregående skolen. Empirien er innhentet gjennom fire ukers observasjon av elever i to ... -
Nynorskkompetanse og normrettleiingskompetanse hos master- og lektorstudentar i nordisk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)God språkleg normkompetanse i samfunnet er nødvendig for å vidareføra skriftspråka våre til kommande generasjonar, og heilt sentralt i implementeringa av dei språklege normene står noverande og kommande norsklærarar. Denne ... -
Self-Control or Crime Control: Teachers’ Insights on Good Practices in 1:1 Classrooms and Implications for Professional Development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Norway ranks high in digitalization in schools, with over 90% of students in grades 1–10 having their own digital device supplied by their school districts and reporting the highest use of digital tools globally in the ... -
Kunstig intelligens og konsekvenser for veiledning på tekstarbeid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Høsten -22 ble OpenAI sin skriverobotChatGPT offentlig tilgjengelig. I tiden etterpå er flere skriveroboter basert på kunstig intelligens (KI) etablert. Vi søker i denne studien å kaste lys over hvordan tilgangen på disse ... -
Understanding empathy in Norwegian social work education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Empathy is pivotal to social work practice when interacting with clients, patients and their families. It is thus also important in social work education. Still, empathy as a skill is usually addressed as one of many ... -
Nytt medium, andre skriftmøte? Skrift som modalitet i fire digitale remedieringar av ei trykt bildebok
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Trykte bildebøker kan remedierast og publiserast digitalt, noko som inneber at dei meiningsberande ressursane, slik som skrifta og bilda, blir tilpassa det nye mediet. Bildebøker er kjende literacyartefaktar (Hamilton, ... -
Journalistikkens logikk? Debatten om en sakprosa-etikk i Norge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Forlagsbransjen har ikke noe etisk regelverk å forholde seg til av samme type som journalistikkens Vær Varsom-plakat, eller for den saks skyld de forskningsetiske retningslinjene. Men i løpet av de første tiårene av ... -
Does the media seem more hostile to losers? Media bias perceptions among politicians in the wake of Norwegian municipal mergers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article examines how politicians’ perceptions of media coverage are influenced by their emergence as winners or losers of political battles. Based on a survey of 3,378 Norwegian councillors regarding municipal mergers, ... -
Activation policy and discretion in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)–introducing a multi-layered explanatory model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article analyses how employees in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) experience their leeway for discretionary judgments related to financial assistance, the work assessment allowance and the ... -
Language policy on the ground in Norwegian kindergartens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The study explores literacy conditions for preschool children acquiring Nynorsk, a lesser used Norwegian written language. Norway has no official language policy for the use of Nynorsk and Bokmål, the majority written ...