Viser treff 41-60 av 166

    • Perceived teacher support in secondary education from 1980 to 2019: An integrative review 

      Botellero, Violeta; Ekornes, Stine Margrethe; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Torrissen, Wenche; Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      How teacher support is perceived in secondary school was a main purpose for examination. As teacher support is a multidimensional construct, we conducted an integrative review to identify and analyze longitudinal and ...
    • “A Danish corner in the heart of Lebanon”. Protestant missions, humanitarianism, and Armenian orphans, ca. 1920-1960 

      Okkenhaug, Inger Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article investigates the role of Danish missionary and nurse Maria Jacobsen (1882-1960), working in Lebanon among Armenian refugees and orphans from ca. 1920 to 1960. The background of the Armenian-Danish relationship ...
    • Instructional feedback to support self-regulated writing in primary school 

      Fiskerstrand, Pernille; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Feedback that enhances self-regulated learning when writing seems to rarely be provided in classrooms to beginner writers, although acting autonomously as a writer is crucial for the pupils’ further literacy development. ...
    • Logikker i strid – kulturrådets virkemidler på litteraturfeltet 

      Halvorsen, Lars Julius; Neple, Anemari; Bjerke, Paul (Book, 2020)
      Kulturrådet har etablert flere tilskuddsordninger for litteratur. I denne boka vil vi presentere, evaluere, drøfte og vurdere åtte av dem. Boka er basert på et oppdrag fra Kulturrådet. Dette oppdraget har lagt rammene for ...
    • Vulnerable youth – dependency or independence? : school experiences, transitions and adaptation to and within adult life 

      Langøy, Emmy Elizabeth; Kvalsund, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      This article examines the factors that influence the potential for independence among individuals experiencing special learning conditions in upper secondary school owing to psycho-social difficulties (PSDs) or general ...
    • Er det den konfliktskapende eller fredssøkende Hauge som bør minnes? 

      Presno, Jostein Garcia De (Chapter, 2023)
      The approach of the Norwegian lay preacher Hans Nielsen Hauge (1771–1824) toward contemporary society was twofold. Before Hauge’s trial, it was largely one of conflicts; afterwards it was mainly one of conciliation. In the ...
    • Making sense of grammatical variation in Norwegian 

      Enger, Hans-Olav; Spilling, Eivor Finset; Sameien, Marianne Brodahl (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This study examines two examples of grammatical variation in Norwegian inflection, strong versus weak verb conjugation and affixal versus periphrastic adjective comparison. The main claim is that the choice of variants is ...
    • Everyday occupations prioritised by older adults participating in reablement. A cross-sectional study 

      Tuntland, Hanne; Kjeken, Ingvild; Folkestad, Bjarte; Førland, Oddvar; Langeland, Eva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background: Little knowledge exists regarding which occupations older adults prioritize as rehabilitation goals in reablement and what factors are associated with their preferences. Objectives: To explore which occupations ...
    • Explaining the relative decline in teacher salaries 

      Meling, Ådne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The article describes possible explanations for the relative decline in teacher salaries during recent decades. The article focuses on the Norwegian case, but the situation regarding teacher salaries in Norway is equivalent ...
    • Literature review – Parent involvement and mathematic outcome 

      Fiskerstrand, Arve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The impact of parent involvement with their children's educational outcomes can have a profound effect on learning, achievement, motivation, engagement, values, and goals. This literature review is the first to focus on ...
    • The semantics of Scandinavian pancake constructions 

      Haugen, Tor Arne; Enger, Hans-Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      A classical topic in the syntax of the mainland Scandinavian languages is so-called pancake clauses where there seemingly is disagreement between the subject and the predicative adjective, as in Pannekaker er godt ...
    • Bokmålsavvik frå nynorsknorma i sjetteklassetekstar 

      Bjørhusdal, Eli; Juuhl, Gudrun Kløve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Føremålet med artikkelen er å undersøkja bokmålssamanfall som ein faktori tekstar av elevar med nynorsk som hovudmål, for å leggja eit empiriskgrunnlag for å diskutera om nynorskelevar har andre opplæringsbehov nårdet gjeld ...
    • Impact of deformation bands on fault-related fluid flow in field-scale simulations 

      Berge, Runar Lie; Gasda, Sarah Eileen; Keilegavlen, Eirik; Sandve, Tor Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Subsurface storage of CO2 is predicted to rise exponentially in response to the increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. Large-scale CO2 injections into the subsurface require understanding of the potential for fluid ...
    • Regional Differences in Higher Educational Choice? 

      Helland, Håvard; Heggen, Kåre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      This paper examines geographical differences in choice of field in higher education. Formerly, educational attainment differed considerably between rural areas and urban centres. Today these differences are pretty much ...
    • Assessing autonomous ship navigation using bridge simulators enhanced by cycle-consistent adversarial networks 

      Brandsæter, Andreas; Osen, Ottar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The advent of artificial intelligence and deep learning has provided sophisticated functionality for sensor fusion and object detection and classification which have accelerated the development of highly automated and ...
    • The girl and the ghost 

      Fikse, Per; Larsen, Endre Eidsaa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      By guiding our attention to the emotional responses of a little girl and her darkly lit surroundings, Jude’s film explores human existence in the face of death. Informed by existential philosophy in the vein of Heidegger, ...
    • Developing self-efficacy through an extra preparatory school year: Lower secondary students’ perspectives on teacher support 

      Hungnes, Tonje; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Bjerke, Annette Hessen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Quantitative and qualitative data have rarely been combined to offer a rich portrait of how self-efficacy develops in a specific context. We responded to this limitation by investigating students’ experiences of an extra ...
    • Håper du har plass til dialog, elevstemmer og utforsking i undervisinga di. 

      Pareliussen, Isabella Rubie (Journal article, 2023)
      Ti elevar og ein lærar på ungdomssteget utforskar songteksten «Håper du har plass» av Cezinando. Utforsking og dialog er fyndord som er sett på dagsordenen med innføringa av ny læreplan LK20. Denne artikkelen ser nærare ...
    • Samlesing («shared reading») i nynorskopplæringa 

      Gjøsdal, Guro Kristin (Journal article, 2023)
      Samlesing (shared reading) er ein forskingsbasert lesemetode med intensjon om å opne litteratur for alle målgrupper. Denne teksten tek føre seg korleis metoden kan forankrast i LK20 og nynorskopplæring.
    • Styrking og svekking av genussemantikk: Ei diakron drøfting av (in)animathet ved pannekakesetninger og anaforisk den 

      Enger, Hans-Olav; Haugen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Artikkelen handler om styrking og svekking av genussemantikk i skandinavisk, med hovedvekt på norsk. Det argumenteres for at både såkalt pannekakekongruens, som i setninger av typen "pannekaker er godt" og "vodka er sunt" ...