Media Practices (tidl. Dokumentar og journalistikk): Nye registreringer
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The Power of Rhetoric. Unpacking Political Speeches and their role in conflict escalation
(Master thesis, 2024)This master thesis describes how rhetoric is used by politicians to persuade audiences during ethnic conflict. I propose that specific linguistic features employed by Albin Kurti and Aleksandar Vučić in speeches from ... -
What logics guide the work of partisan factchecking in non-democratic states? A content analysis of the Russian fact-checking project “War on Fakes”
(Master thesis, 2024)Abstract Despite a growing tendency of the fact-checking industry, the research within this field has been largely focused on studying the practice of organizations from Europe and the USA, leaving non-Western initiatives ... -
Seeking Identity in Diasporic Film in Norway. A Textual Analysis of the TV Series Norsk-ish (2020 NRK) Season One
(Master thesis, 2023)The first and second-generation migrants in Norway now have more opportunities to tell their stories of diasporic experiences in the entertainment industry due to the recent film and television industry's inclusive policies. ... -
Urban kittiwakes: victims, villains or heroes? Local news framing of novel human-wildlife conflict in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)This study examines the frames used by Tromsø news outlets in articles about urban black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). In just seven years, the urban population of kittiwakes in this Norwegian coastal city grew ... -
"Det er unaturlig å holde avstand til hverandre i en krise som koronapandemien; da må man holde sammen!". En kvalitativ analyse av helsemyndighetenes kommunikasjon til innvandrere under konorapandemien
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven forsøker å svare på hvordan helsemyndighetene kan forbedre sin krisekommunikasjon og effektivt formidle viktige budskap til innvandrerbefolkningen i krisesituasjoner. I lys av den globale koronapandemien, ... -
The rural Spain as a photographic subject and its contemporary representation: Cristina García Rodero and España oculta (1989)
(Master thesis, 2021)Abstract This project presents a historical journey of Spanish rural photography throughout the 20th century. From Luis Escobar in the 20s, through W. Eugene Smith in the 50s, to Cristina García Rodero and her España oculta, ... -
Fagpressen på nett
(Master thesis, 2020)Denne undersøkelsen tar sikte på å kartlegge medlemmene av organisasjonen Fagpressen og deres nettpublikasjoner. Fagpressen er overordnet en stor og heterogen gruppe fag- og kunnskapsorienterte nisjepublikasjoner som ... -
Contrasting Intent, Content and Effect: Music Theory and Audience Experience of ‘På tide å komma heim no. Heilt heim.’
(Master thesis, 2021)This study takes a deep dive into the music of the commercial in the title to explore the relationship between musical intention, theoretical analysis and audience experience. To this end the study utilized a music-oriented ... -
Unnskyld. Kan de tilgje oss? Ein kvalitativ analyse av unnskyldning brukt som kriserespons
(Master thesis, 2021)Abstract This master thesis is the final part of the Master in Media Practices at Volda University College. This assignment is free to answer how the apology from Hurtigruten in connection with the corona infection on ... -
Adolescents and the Loot Box phenomenon. A study on the most controversial phenomemon in video games
(Master thesis, 2021)Abstract This thesis is an academic project on Loot Boxes, a relatively new phenomenon in video games where gamers can purchase randomized in-game content for real money. Loot Boxes have become a controversial phenomenon ... -
Gaming i norsk presse. Ein studie om den journalistiske dekkinga av dataspel i sju aviser
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Verknaden av visuell framstilling. Eit djupdykk i Fora Form sitt arbeid med visuell identitet
(Master thesis, 2020)Abstract This master thesis looks at Fora Form’s Visual presentation. It explores the change process and the identity of the company, and the difference in presentation before and now. The thesis will mostly focus on the ... -
Kampen om catskiing - frå visjon til realitet. Ein studie av den politiske prosessen bak etablering av ei forsøksordning med catskiing ved Harpefossen skisenter i Eid kommune.
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis aims to study the political process behind the establishment of a trial arrangement with catskiing at Harpefossen ski resort in Eid municipality. The study looks at how the process has degenerated from the ... -
Does photojournalism contribute to positive change?
(Master thesis, 2019)The research question for this paper is "Does photojournalism contribute to positive change?" Through a dive into history and semi structured interviews with contemporary photographers I have gained interesting insight ... -
Role of documentary photography in social change
(Master thesis, 2019)Documentary photography plays a crucial role in raising awareness about human suffering around the world. For over a century, humanitarians and their organizations have used documentary photography to raise awareness, and ... -
Audience agency in immersive journalism. Seeing journalism as an actor-network
(Master thesis, 2019)This master thesis focus on the field of immersive journalism. Nonny de la Peña (2010) who coined the term defines this as “the production of news in a form in which people can gain first-person experiences of the events ... -
Podkasterne byr på seg selv. En studie av hvordan tillit og intimitet skapes i podkaster
(Master thesis, 2019)Tema for denne masteroppgaven er hvordan skaperne av tre populære podkaster går frem for å skape intimitet og tillit. Podkastene som analyseres er «Ida med hjerte i hånden», «Tusvik&Tønne» og «The Caliphate». For å belyse ... -
The influence of interactive web applications in tourism communication on travel motivation and intention. Tested on a self-developed web application
(Master thesis, 2019)Tourism is a strong economic branch for many countries. Exposing the right destinations to the right tourists can be challenging in a time where distribution technology for communication is as quickly obsolete as one got ... -
Med blikket på villmarken. En narrativ og stilistisk analyse av perspektiv som virkemiddel i ekspedisjonsfilm
(Master thesis, 2019)The aim of this study is to investigate how the narrative and stylistic devices in contemporary expedition films cause their content to appear as authentic. The main focus of the study is the television series Nordkalotten ... -
Gjennomføring av en funksjonell krisekommunikasjonsøvelse. Metoderapport sammen med beskrivelsen av den praktiske og reelt gjennomførte krisekommunikasjonsøvelsen, dreieboken og underlagsmateriell.
(Master thesis, 2019)Taking part in a crisis communication exercise gives strategic leaders the opportunity to test their decision-making abilities under emergencies and crises. Organisations exercise in order to strengthen their crisis ...